
Darn you, Mark Zuckerberg. Darn you all to heck.

Hello, everyone!  It's been ages since I last posted a blog.  I am especially eager to write again because I've given up Facebook for the entirety of Lent.  That's right: no status updates, no debates, no picture comments, no "Happy birthdays" or anything substantive on there during the entire forty days.  Cold turkey!

By the way, for a great article on this very subject:

Here are my observations about giving up Facebook, so far:

1. I am still just as busy ("occupied" might be the better word) as always!  Apparently, I am finding ways to fill my time, even if those ways aren't related to Facebook... writing this blog is one way. I was hoping that this wouldn't be the case, and that I would magically find that there were more hours added to the day.  Haha!

Giving up Facebook time doesn't mean giving up computer time.  I still have plenty of emails to respond to and send out; homeschool stuff to organize and record; and little bits of church, financial, and personal business that take some time on the computer.  Of course, I have my Wiki and Slate browsing habits, blog reading, news junkie time, and the occasional "Real Housewives" episode to watch on Hulu or old music videos to watch on YouTube.  I don't think that God intended me to fill my mind with that at Lent, but I am weak, and there it is.

2. I realize how much I thought of my everyday life in Facebook terms.  (Yes, that is as scary as it sounds.)  For example, with almost every article I read, I think, "I'd like to share that with my friends on Facebook and find out what they think."  I also remember little bits of conversations that I've had with people, either online or in person, and I want to follow-up with a Facebook comment.  Most tellingly, I find myself thinking of "clever" status updates that I'd love to post, about everything from sweeping the floor to the so-called Mommy Wars.  All of this will go by the wayside for the next 40 days.  However, the fact that I plan to post this very blog on my Facebook account for my friends to read pretty much says it all.

3. I've had lots of friends sympathize with me.  That either means that there are many fellow Facebook addicts, or that my friends realize that I have this awful addiction, and they are glad to see me seeking treatment.  (They tried to make me get off Facebook, and I said: no, no, no!)

4. Speaking of my friends, they actually deserve your sympathy!  The reason is because I've been talking like crazy to people.  I saw a few friends today at the park, and I couldn't stop talking to them!  Even my beloved aunt had to do the polite, saying goodbye at the door, backing-away-because-I-need-to-leave thing.  It's like I am bursting with things to share, Facebook or not, and I am hungry for adult conversation.  To my friends who've endured this: my apologies.

If you really want to know the impact of my Facebook time, I can illustrate it in one sentence.  Recently, Lolly and I were having a conversation, and she said to me, "Mommy, I asked you for help, and you didn't help me because you were on Facebook." 

Bam.  Right there.  My priority is my family, and here I was, allowing a social networking site, of all things, to take over my time.  That is a sign that I need to stop and reevaluate my priorities.  (Thank you, Lent, for providing a structured, motivating time for doing this!)  Yes, I need a social life.  Yes, Facebook is a great tool for that.  However, I can't justify one missed moment with my kids on account of that.  I can't.  Perhaps this break during Lent will allow me to see how I can use Facebook in moderation, like normal people do. 

Honestly, this site?
Sounds like a bunch of Luddites put on paper hats and went to the mountaintop.  With laptops.

Facebook is neither good nor evil in itself; it's a tool that people can use.  People can choose to use it wisely or unwisely.  It's my responsibility to use it wisely, and not to let it control my life... same thing with every other pleasure in life (coffee, junk food, sex, kids, Disney World). 

Mark Zuckerberg, I guess you're off the hook for now.  It's only been two days.  I think I'll live. 

P.S. If you're reading this: thank you.  *sniff*


  1. YAY! I'm glad to hear you're surviving. I usually take a break from Facebook each year too and swear that I am done with it for good only to get dragged back in. Moderation is the key to everything!
    ♥ Jenn

  2. You are too cute Melinda! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at church. :)I need to update my blog!

  3. "They tried to make me get off Facebook, and I said: no, no, no!"


    I do the same thing, desperately try to give it up, only to go back after a couple of days.

    I love that you are doing this, I see it as a fascinating experiment and a way to really deeply explore how we live now. You can be the Tom Wolfe of 2011.

  4. Thank you so much! I often found myself souring of Facebook whenever I got into a debate that didn't go well, or whenever I was like, "This is such drivel." Then I would get sucked right back into it!

    I do have to say that Facebook has been amazing at getting me in touch with old friends, including my best friend from middle school whom I wouldn't have otherwise been able to contact. I've also been in touch with former coworkers, classmates, neighbors, and everyone else. It's been a blessing to reconnect!

    As you said, Jenn, I need to remember that moderation is key!

    I look forward to seeing you, June, at church! I'd love to read more of your blog.

    Sweet Anna, you flatter me... thank you. If I had more time, I would do so much more!

  5. You're not losing any communication out of your "sacrifice." Awesome! It'll be interesting to see how communicating by blog changes how you connect with folks.


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